
  • Vintage Motorcycle Club puts Local Community First

    Every year since 1991, motorcycle enthusiasts have gathered in the Chateauguay Valley for their annual Vintage Motorcycle Rally and Show – MOTO EXPO. 2019 was a record year and attracted over 1000 visitors to the event held at the Pritchard Farm. They come from all over Canada and the United States, as it is the

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  • Association of the Diabétiques Haut-St-Laurent Ceases its Activities

    After 18 years of existence, the Association of the Diabétiques Haut-St-Laurent has ceased its activities. However, its Board of Directors has given $15,000 to the Barrie Memorial Hospital Foundation and $10,000 to the Women’s Auxiliary of the same hospital to contribute one last time to promote health care to the population of the region. Photo:

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  • Leahy’s Annual Golf Tournament

    This year, James and Alice Leahy have chosen the Hospital Foundation as one of the leading charitable causes in our region. At their annual golf tournament, the Foundation gratefully accepted $10,000 to continue supporting the hospital’s projects. Photo: Madeleine Greig and Mitchell Leahy

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  • Free Charging Station at the Emergency

    Since December 2019, users have had a free cellphone recharging station during emergency visits. The station charges virtually any cell phone faster than a standard wall charger and offers users a convenient way to charge their cell phones quickly and no longer need to risk being disconnected. The station offers 6 lockers with a unique

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  • Free Parking for users of the Barrie Memorial Hospital!

    The Foundation’s mission is always to collect donations or legacies for the Barrie Memorial Hospital to better fulfill its mission of care and health services to the population. With this in mind, the Foundation worked to set up an agreement with the CISSSMO (Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de la Montérégie Ouest)

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  • EXPO MOTO (Montréal) CVMG Rally!

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  • Purchase of a Pinel Restraint System

    The Foundation announces the purchase of a Pinel Restraint System for the emergency department of the Barrie Memorial Hospital. The Pinel system makes it possible to satisfy the restraint requirements of all levels with a single system. In emergency restraint, the aggressive patient can be immobilized at seven points in less than ten seconds. The

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  • Internet Access for the Patients at the Emergency

    Today, people expect connectivity. It is therefore with great pleasure that the Foundation announces the installation of a Wi-Fi network for the patients waiting at the emergency. We know patients and those who accompany them become irritated if they feel their time is wasted. Having access to the internet will give those waiting the ability

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  • Our MP Stéphane Billette supports the Foundation!

    It is always a pleasure for me to support the Barrie Memorial Hospital Foundation in different development projects to ensure a hospital that is more adapted to the needs of the community. In the photo, Mrs. Madeleine Himbeault Greig, president of the foundation. Source: Facebook. The Foundation wishes to express its thanks to Stéphane Billette, MP,

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  • Canadian Vintage Motocycle Group – A Devoted Supporter!

    Again this year, the Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group has presented to the Barrie Memorial Hospital Foundation a very generous donation of $2,000!  The Foundation is grateful for their continued support. Thank you! (Photo: Bert Pitt and Bill Magnussen, members of the CVMG with Madeleine Greig, Chair of the Foundation).

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