Every year since 1991, motorcycle enthusiasts have gathered in the Chateauguay Valley for their annual Vintage Motorcycle Rally and Show – MOTO EXPO.
2019 was a record year and attracted over 1000 visitors to the event held at the Pritchard Farm. They come from all over Canada and the United States, as it is the biggest event of its kind in the Northeast. CVMG (Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group) is a non-profit organization with the proceeds from the event donated to charities.
In December 2018, the group presented a cheque of $2,000 to the Foundation.
This year $4,000 of the profits were given to the Barrie Memorial Hospital Foundation.
The Vintage Motorcycle Group has been a regular donor to the Foundation for years. Their support and dedication to the Barrie Memorial Hospital is notable and greatly appreciated.
Photo 2019 – left to right: Eric Pritchard, Madeleine Greig (Foundation), Bill Magnussen, Bernie Vinet